White Center, Seattle, WA

Seattle, WA Featured Homes in Ballard

Check out our Featured Homes within Seattle in Ballard to get an idea of home prices and features you want in your next home.

This helps you complete Step 1: Dream It, from our 10 Step Home Buying Guide!

There are a thousand decisions in the home buying process and it can be overwhelming. I wanted to simplify that so finding a great home can be more accessible to EVERYONE. Most I know looking to buy in competitive markets like Seattle lose out on their first few offers. In 2021, with our No-Nonsense 10 Step Home Buying Guide, my wife and I looked at 2 homes, bid on 1 against 7 competing offers, AND WE WON!

You deserve the same experience and I hope you’ll contact me to help you make it possible.

Zach Oliver

Founder, Great Front Door